Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Is the auto-darkening welding helmet safe?


Welding helmets are an essential asset for any welder. And along with protecting the eye area, it protects the face, and neck of welders from high heat.

However, there are mostly two types of welding helmets, and between them; the use of auto-darkening welding helmets significantly rises. But a question often raises people's mind before purchasing this helmet which is- Is auto-darkening welding helmet safe to use? To find out the answer and many more read the article on! Also, to know more about the auto-darkening welding helmet, check out this website welderfreak.

Is Auto Darkening Welding Helmet Safe?

When used properly, auto-darkening helmets are safe to use. All you need to ensure that you are using the correct lenses and your welding helmet is fixed to the proper settings for your welding job. The safeties of the auto-darkening welding helmet highly depend on these things. And the main reasons behind the use of the auto-darkening welding helmet will not be safe lies on user error and if welders fail to check that the helmet is working.

Also before every use, you need to make sure to check some important things such as-

      The auto-darkening welding helmet is up to code.

      You are using the correct intensity lens depending on the welding job you are doing.

      Your auto-darkening welding helmet lens is set in the right place.

       Before you start the welding make sure to check whether the auto-darkening welding helmet snaps down all the way or not because of being too loose. Also, make sure it is not close-fitted because close-fitting will make you uncomfortable.

      Lastly, if your eyes or head hurt after welding it is not safe to use the helmet.

If you make sure of the things as mentioned above, you can use your auto-darkening helmet without any hesitation or any doubt about safety.

Things to Consider before Purchasing an Auto-Darkening Welding Helmet

Below we have mentioned some of the main things to consider -

Safety Standards

Before you purchase an auto-darkening welding helmet check for the ANSI Z87.1 code which is considered standard according to the International Safety Equipment Association, to make sure that the welding helmet you are purchasing is safe and effective.

Light Sensitivity Settings

Purchase an auto-darkening welding helmet that comes with light sensitivity settings to do different types of projects. The activation of the auto-darkening filter is determined by this setting. And, it is crucial to know how the adjustments are done with this setting to do different types of projects effectively.

Viewing Area

Auto-darkening welding helmets come with different sized viewing panels. Select a larger viewing area that enables the helmet for a wider peripheral vision.

Arc Sensors

This is a crucial thing to consider since it protects you from getting flashed while welding. And the helmets come with 2-4 sensors to do various projects. To weld in an environment where there are few obstructions, you can use two sensors. But if you are welding in a place where obstructions are many you will need three or four sensors.



Choose a lightweight helmet so that you can use the helmet comfortably. Though most auto-darkening helmets do not weigh much more than a pound, it can give you severe neck strain and fatigue at the end of the day.

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Is the auto-darkening welding helmet safe?

  Welding helmets are an essential asset for any welder. And along with protecting the eye area, it protects the face, and neck of welders...